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Writer's pictureEunice Moore

"Lawioness"-Who and Why

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

Most of my friends and especially my family know the reason why I wanted to become an attorney. I was in elementary school when I first realized the law was powerful enough to impact your life forever. At a very young age I saw my brother racially profiled and targeted for the color of his skin, the clothes he wore, and the cars he drove. It didn't matter if at home he had a Walt Disney Movie collection or loved Hillary Duff, in the eyes of the law he was probably up to no good. For years he would struggle with issues with police officers who would pull him over, sometimes ten or more times in one month, search his vehicle instantly, and bully him while they made him wait. His naiveté consumed him enough to sign a blank contract for the purchase of a vehicle. I made up my mind--- I would become an attorney to protect him and others whose voices were too weak or lacked the 'know how' to be heard. "My baby sister is going to be an attorney," he would say. All I needed was time.

On March 24, 2009 at 2:00 a.m. I ran out of time. My brother who introduced me to toy cars, video games, books, and science projects was killed while on the job. That June I was scheduled to take the Law School Entrance Exam. Grief consumed my family and I wrapping us up so tightly the memories are still foggy and confusing. I remember the deep sighs mostly. "How is it possible the Sun is still rising?" I questioned everything about life until I decided I still needed fulfill our dream of pursuing a law profession and I was going to do whatever it takes.

Thurgood Marshal School of Law provided me with an opportunity no other law school would regardless of how terrible my LSAT score turned out to be--an opportunity I wouldn't take for granted. I also learned that my family needed representation for my brother. Could his life have been spared? I needed to know. A girlfriend recommended I call her brother in law, whose law office took my brother's case. A wrongful death suit was filed against the property where my brother's incident occurred and the company he worked for. The person who decided that he would end a life was arrested and pled guilty to 50 years in prison. All the while, I learned to cope with grief --- my solace thousands of pages of law. Joe would have loved hearing me nerd out in so many different ways.

I always known in order beat the system, you have to know the system. It's been 11+ years since that fateful day. In September 2020 it will be six years that I have been practicing law, advocating for people who have been wronged. Along the way I learned ways to challenge the system head-on, speaking out for him, through my clients. My life has purpose in representing those whose lives have been forever affected by individuals, large companies, and their insurance carriers who refuse to take responsibility for the harms and losses. Looking back I realize maybe there's someone who could benefit from the stories and insights I've come to appreciate, before something terrible happens. I hope these articles prepare others for one of the hardest circumstances of life --injury and loss. If you or someone you know needs legal advice regarding a personal injury matter, please call 844-SRTA MAS.

"I’m so blessed to have had you fight for me you gave me what I needed and that was hope and the courage to stand up and I’m so happy to have met you you’re so amazing and you should be extremely proud of yourself because I know I am I have had my spirit come back to me it’s not much but my light for wanted to do more art has come back and it all started with you again thank you so much I’m so glad you like the painting ♥️" -Lori Cervantes

Eunice Fernandez Moore is an attorney at The Law Offices of George Salinas, a personal injury trial firm. She is a 2019 recipient of Texas Top 100 Jury Verdicts and a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, San Antonio Trial Lawyers Association, Bexar County Women's Lawyers Association, and the Texas Young Lawyers Association. Eunice is married to Austin Caleb Moore, and in February 2020 they welcomed their first child, Luke Alexander Moore into this world. In 2022 the welcomed their second boy Elijah Joseph (for her late brother) Moore into this world. The information contained within this article is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship.

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